Join the Community

Make a Difference

We are watching a story unfold before us. The Boomer generation is growing older and Generation X isn’t far behind. Our society is growing older. The church is growing older.

Are we prepared to help our older adults embrace the opportunities that come with this stage of life? Are we equipped to help them face age-related challenges?

We fear that for the most part, the answer is no.

You can help change that. If you are involved in ministering to and with older adults in your church, we need your help. Here’s how you can help:

Let us know that you are there

When working in an area of ministry where it’s hard to find a community of others involved, it can be easy to feel like Elijah in I Kings 19 who cried out “I am the only one left.”

Sometimes we just need the encouragement of knowing others are serving in the same way.

We believe there is a powerful community out there already engaging seniors in ministry and meeting age-related needs. We just don’t know about each other yet.

Help us identify that community and let us know who you are on the form below.

At this moment, it’s just an email list. We are asking for your email so we can have a conversation. We want to ask you questions, we want to get your feedback, and we want to share the information we receive.

As the community grows, we can explore options for greater community and interaction. But for now, we’re starting simple.

I hate being spammed. With that in mind, your email is sacred to us. It will only be used to communicate regarding older adult ministry. It won’t be sold, it won’t be shared with third parties. It is all about, and only about, learning from you and sharing what we learn. We spell that out in more detail on our Privacy Policy.

Let us know about you

One of the greatest resources available in ministry related to older adults is the experience, ideas, and practices that are already in place. We need to learn from each other.

You may have great ideas or innovative ministries that the rest of us can learn from. Once you have let us know you are there, please fill out our survey and let us know the types of ministry you offer and your thoughts. If you serve older adults in any kind of ministry capacity, we want to hear from you.

Survey responses are strictly confidential. We will use survey data to report trends and ideas on the types of ministry offered but will not share individual surveys or contact information with any third parties.

Button linking to Survey Page

Spread the Word

Invite others in your ministry to join the community. If you know others working with older adults in other churches, invite them to join us.

We cannot do this well without a strong and healthy community of ministry leaders and volunteers coming together and sharing experiences, information, and ideas. Share us on social media, by email, or good old-fashioned word of mouth.

Tell Us You are There

We will only ask for your first name and email address. You will have the option to fill in a profile in more detail. You can always opt out.