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- Senior Adult Ministry
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Senior Adult Ministry
Vision For The Aging Church: Renewing Ministry For And By Seniors By James M. Houston & Michael Parker / InterVarsity Press (2011) Are we ready for the opportunities and challenges facing the aging church? Now is the time for the church to offer ministry to its increasing numbers of seniors and to benefit from ministry they can offer. Show More In this book James M. Houston and Michael Parker issue an urgent call to reconceive the place and part of the elderly and seniors in the local church congregation.
Confronting the idea that the aging are mostly a burden on the church, they boldly address the moral issues related to caring for them, provide examples of successful care-giving programs and challenge the church to restore broken connections across the generations. Cowritten by a noted theologian and an expert in the fields of social work and gerontology, this interdisciplinary book assesses our current cultural context and the challenges and opportunities we face. The authors show us that seniors aren’t the problem. They are the solution. Purchase From Christian Book Distributors |
Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults Over 50 By Amy Hanson / Jossey-Bass (2010) How ministry leaders can help older adults be a vital part of Christian community? With the explosion of the older adult population, this important book explores the opportunities and challenges that this presents for the Christian community. Show More Amy Hanson challenges us to let go of many old stereotypes regarding aging and embrace a new paradigm that sees older adults as active, healthy and capable of making significant contributions.
The author shows church leaders how they can unleash the power of the baby boomer population to strengthen their congregations. Purchase from Christian Book Distributors |
Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century: An Inquiry Approach By Richard H. Gentzler, Jr / Discipleship Resource (2008) The church is in the hands of its elders. While the popular perception is that the aged are needy and infirm, Gentzler affirms the majority of older adults have plenty to give. The church needs to tap into their wisdom, energy, experience, and talents. Show More Gentzler stresses that older adult ministries need to be by and with elders as well as for them, since participants will represent all stages of retirement and activity levels. In addition to the practical issues of programming, Gentzler takes on more difficult topics of aging including chronic conditions, depression and death. He also recommends that churches pay special attention to the needs of the Boomer generation, since they are now becoming the older adults who will determine the churchs path for years to come. “”As Boomers have cycled through their various life stages they passed through hippie and yuppie to become abbies: aging baby boomers,”” Gentzler writes. “”But dont tell Boomers theyre aging. …They really do expect to stay young and see getting old as an option, rather than a reality. Purchase from Christian Book Distributors |
Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st Century: Step-By-Step Strategies for Reaching People Over 50 By David P. Gallagher / Wipf & Stock (2006) Over one quarter of Americans are age fifty or older. This sizable group has unique needs and requires specialized ministry. In this resource, pastor to senior adults Dr. David Gallagher offers invaluable insights, practical ideas and successful strategies for ministering effectively to people over 50. Purchase from Christian Book Distributors |
Catch the Age Wave: A Handbook for Effective Ministry With Senior Adults Win and Charles Arn / Beacon Hill Press (1999) Two-thirds of all people alive today are 65 and older. What is your church doing to reach them? The Arns will peel away your outdated assumptions, describe the characteristics of a successful seniors’ program, and give lots of practical pointers. 168 pages, softcover from Baker. Purchase from Christian Book Distributors |
Designing an Older Adult Ministry By Richard H. Gentzler, JR. / Discipleship Resources (2003) Author Richard H. Gentzler, Jr., provides timely information on how to develop and strengthen ministries with older adults. Gentzler offers new information on the needs and life issues of older adults. Show More In six easy to read chapters, Designing an Older Adult Ministry:
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Develop Inter Generational Ministries
Effective Generational Ministry: Biblical and Practical Insights for Transforming Church Communities By Elisabeth A. Nesbit Sbanotto & Craig L. Blomberg / Baker Academic (2016) Understanding generational differences is a key to effective ministry in a multigenerational church.Show More Too many churches and parachurch organizations know too little about the similarities and differences among the three largest generations that make up the American populace today, and the church often suffers because of it. Effective Generational Ministry offers students and practitioners cutting-edge research and biblical analysis of Boomers (1946-1964), GenXers (1965-1981), and Millennials (1982-2001) so churches can minister more effectively within and across generational lines. The authors, one an expert on generational differences and the other a respected New Testament scholar, represent different generations and areas of expertise. Effective Generational Ministry explores key characteristics of each generation based on empirical research, provides biblical-theological analysis of generational attributes, and offers specific suggestions for ministry with and for each generation. The book also provides proven examples of intergenerational ministry. Purchase from Christian Book Distributors |
Deep Mentoring: Guiding Others on Their Leadership Journey by Randy Reese and Robert Loane / InterVarsity Press (Paradigm2 Note: While not specifically on Inter Generational Ministry, we include this book because of the importance of Mentoring) Jesus Christ still calls people to become leaders in a lifelong journey of conforming to his image. Join him as you guide others through deep mentoring. Show More When good leaders are needed, when the work is urgent, our immediate reaction is to enlist new leaders. Instead we are called to invest in new leaders. Good leaders are developed in and through slow, deep mentoring. To think otherwise is to embrace the myth of the quick fix. We proceed, instead, by paying careful attention to and joining in the work God is already doing in people’s lives.Deep Mentoring is designed to help you know better how to come alongside others as a guide and a friend, to invest in their spiritual formation and leadership. If you want long-term impact on the lives of future leaders, how you guide must be as important as the content you impart. Only then will you see lifelong change and empowerment in those you mentor. Randy Reese and Robert Loane show you how to make the most of the crucial ministry of mentoring. They offer a biblically grounded approach that draws on the research and teaching of Bobby Clinton as well as their own experience in resourcing churches and Christian organizations. Purchase from Christian Book Distributors |
Sticky Faith By Drs. Kara E. Powell & Chap Clark / Zondervan (2011) Sticky Faith identifies the factors including inter generational engagement, that help youth develop a faith that endures as they mature Show More
Sticky Faith is geared to spark a movement that empowers adults to develop robust and long-term faith in kids of all ages. This easy-to-read guide presents both a compelling rationale and a powerful strategy to show parents how to encourage their children’s spiritual growth so that it will stick with them into adulthood and empower them to develop a living, lasting faith. Purchase from Christian Book Distributors |
Christian Perspectives on Aging
Finishing Our Course with Joy: Guidance from God for Engaging with Our Aging By J.I. Packer / Crossway Do you look in the mirror and see gray hair and wrinkles? Packer—now in his mid-80s—says that getting older doesn’t mean you should banish yourself to the rocking chair! Show More Sharing personal insights and examples, he offers a compelling vision for lifelong learning, purposeful planning, running the race with endurance, and glorifying Jesus—no matter what your age! 128 pages, softcover. Purchase from Christian Book Distributors |